Spring Road Cleanup

Hello Neighbors!

I’m sure you all have noticed the plants along the road have been growing rapidly with all the rain and warmth we’ve had lately. It is that time of year that we need to have all hands on deck to trim back the encroaching branches and brush.

It seems that coordinating a neighborhood work-day has been too much to ask as the last several attempts have resulted in very low participation. So this year, we are asking that anyone that owns property along the Goose Creek Lane right-of-way to have their section trimmed back by the end of May. That will ensure that all property owners have things trimmed the way they want and save precious money from the road committee having to hire out contractors to trim the road. Please be sure to have your section trimmed back by the end of May as any sections not trimmed back by then will have to be taken care of by contractors.

So again, please consider this your notice that if you own land along Goose Creek Lane, be sure to have all the brush and branches trimmed back away from the road by the end of the month. This will ensure it is done the way you are comfortable with and save money in the road fund so it can goes to other important maintenance projects like grading and gravel, which we can’t do ourselves. Any sections along the road that are not properly trimmed back by the end of the month will be trimmed back from the road by contractors.

2018 Road Dues Reminder

If you have not already sent in your 2018 road dues, please take this opportunity to mail in your check so that we can continue with the important road maintenance projects!

2018 Road Dues Payment Information – $300
Please make checks payable to:

Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

If your bank has online bill-pay feature you can always enter in the above information there and have them send the check on your behalf to save on postage and hassle! Then each year all you have to do is update the dues amount and hit “send”!

New Secretary

Please join me in welcoming Mallory Horton to the road committee! She has graciously volunteered to join the road committee as secretary!

That’s all for now, again if you have any comments or concerns please feel free to contact us.