Road fixes coming soon!

Hi Neighbors,
It seems there has been some confusion and complaints made regarding the condition of the road and apparent “inaction” to fix it.
Please allow us to remind everyone of what was communicated in past newsletters and inform you of the latest plans. 

First I’d like to say I’m sorry if I as part of the road committee have not clearly communicated our plans or how to reach out to us when you have concerns. I thought we wrote in the September road newsletter that we were in a holding pattern for the remainder of 2019 due to lack of funds for the road, and that work/repairs would continue once we received 2020 dues ( I also thought that we asked for input such as ideas and suggestions with an email address/link to contact us in the last newsletter ( where we reminded everyone to send in their 2020 dues so that we could commence repairs and work on the road, yet to until this evening had received ZERO feedback or comments.

As soon as Cory checked the PO box and received the first trickle of 2020 dues he let us know and we contacted our road contractor over the weekend to get on his schedule to fix the road, he has told us he will be back in town on Jan 6th, so we should hear more then. We could not make fixes to the road any sooner without putting ourselves in extreme risk of running completely out of funds, as we clearly communicated in prior newsletters. No one on the committee wants the road to not be fixed or enjoys driving over pot holes, but we also cannot spend money we don’t have! Also to specifically address comments regarding paying “more for less”, yes we have to all pay more for less because labor and material costs more. So to make forward improvement progress it costs even more. If we kept hobbling along as we did in the past, we would already be out of money as we have clearly communicated and shared in every newsletter with the full accounting of our income and expenses. 

If any of you have ideas on ways we can more efficiently keep the road repaired or would like to volunteer your time to make improvements to the road please let the committee know directly via our email and we would be more than happy to coordinate with you. If any of you would like to try and find another road contractor to make repairs we are in no way locked into AW other than it took us months to cultivate a relationship with him and he is one of the few contractors willing to show up to work here for a reasonable fee. I’d be happy to coordinate with you if you find someone else and want to facilitate them making repairs. If you want to get a quote from someone we can act very quickly to vote and approve the job and disburse payment. Thank you to Scott Butler who volunteered to get some additional quotes for repairing the road, we look forward to seeing those!

All of us on the committee are doing the best we can with the resources the neighborhood gives us and balancing it with our own personal lives. If that is not sufficient in anyone’s opinion then I am sure any of us would be more than happy to exchange positions and let someone else take over. Yet every time we have called for volunteers, to take over positions we hear nothing. While the road is in very bad condition now, parts of it that we made major improvements to (the hill to the mirror) are actually in great shape considering how long it has been and how much rain we have received. We were unable to get the machinery needed to do the full road grading that we discussed at the in-person meeting this summer, and couldn’t afford it with the funds we had even if we could in 2019, so we did the best we could with the material and resources we had. We did get that dirt packer/roller and it has made the hill much better for much longer than in years past, especially given the increased traffic on the road due to more frequent deliveries and additional residents in the neighborhood.

As your friend and neighbor, I do want to say that I do not think it is constructive or helps the neighborhood to have these public dramatic exchanges when it is as simple as a text, call, or email to anyone on the road committee and you will have direct access to the very latest information and be empowered to take appropriate action. Especially those of you who have lived in the neighborhood for more than a few years, you know exactly how the road committee operates and our limited funds and how difficult finding contractors that will come out can be.

So please do not hesitate to reach out directly to us next time at the first sign of a concern and we will be happy to do everything in our power to empower you to make the improvements you desire.

Harley Green
President of the all volunteer Goose Creek Farms Road Committee

December 2019 Newsletter

Road Dues Due January 2020

Hi Neighbors,
In order to budget and plan accurately for 2020, we asked early in 2019 that dues for 2020 and going forward be given at the beginning of the year. Please let this be your friendly reminder that 2020 dues of $550 per household should now be sent in!

Please send your payments to:
Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

Plan for 2020

As we discussed at the last road meeting, we plan on using the increased dues to continue maintaining and improving the condition of the road with the goal of being able to provide professional plowing services and eventually support maintenance of the spurs. We did a lot of major work in 2019 and have more to do in 2020 to maintain what we did and build up the sections we were not able to improve in 2019.

If you have ideas or suggestions for 2020, please let us know. We would be happy to hear your input and see how we can all work together to keep our road in excellent condition!

Snow Plowing in 2020

We would really like to provide professional plowing service on the road in 2020 as in 2019 the road was severely damaged by some neighbors plowing. While everyone appreciates the volunteering spirit of the neighborhood, if the road is plowed improperly, the damage to the road can cost far more to repair than the cost of professional plowing service. Please realize that the plowing can only be provided if we receive the increased dues ASAP. Our primary road contractor has offered to provide plowing services for $200/trip with the option to sand for $800.

Current Financial Status Update

In 2019 we received $14,600 in dues contributions. The good news is that is an increase in contributions of $6,200 over 2018! Well done everyone! The bad news is all the work on the road and rising costs of labor, material, and machine rental caused our spending in 2019 to increase from $14,295 in 2018 to $21,760. This operating deficit cannot be sustained and that is a major reason why we all voted and decided on raising the dues to $550 for 2020. Below you can find the 2019 ledger and final listing of contributing neighbors.

Thank you all for supporting the volunteers on the road committee and making 2019 one of the best years for road improvements and neighborhood contributions! We all look forward to continuing to serve the neighborhood in 2020!

–Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
Harley Green, Ashley Sawyer, Mallory Horton, and Cory Weaver
Contact Page

2019 Ledger

1/30/2019    17 Residents Road dues      $5,950.00  $18,737.41
 2/8/2019    AW Smith Grade, potholes, ditches & sand    $2,515.00      $16,222.41
 2/12/2019    1 Residents Road dues       $350.00    $16,572.41
 2/25/2019    6 Residents Road dues       $2,700.00  $19,272.41
 3/7/2019    AW Smith Grade, potholes, ditches & gravel  $5,826.00      $13,446.41
 3/13/2019    1 Residents Road dues       $350.00    $13,796.41
 3/21/2019    1 Residents Road dues       $350.00    $14,146.41
 4/5/2019    4 Residents Road Dues       $2,000.00  $16,146.41
 4/7/2019    3 Residents Road Dues       $1,050.00  $17,196.41
 6/4/2019    1 Residents Road dues for 2018      $300.00    $17,496.41
 6/4/2019    AW Smith-Regrade road, potholes/ditches $685.00        $16,811.41
 6/12/19    PO Box Annual Fee   $122.00        $16,689.41
 7/11    1 Residents Road dues for 2019      $350.00    $17,039.41
 8/5    1 Residents dues for 2018 & 2019 + $150 for Seeley's       $850.00    $17,889.41
 8/28    Harley (Keith Raymond) 16 loads millimgs    $1,600.00      $16,289.41
 9/5/2019    Keith Raymond 13 loads millimgs $1,300.00      $14,989.41
 9/12/19    AW Smith, Roll & Grade Millings $9,366.01      $5,623.40
 10/23/19    1 Residents dues        $350.00    $5,973.40
 10/28/19    GCF Insurance   $346.00        $5,627.40

2019 Dues Contributing Neighbors

 John Reynolds
 David & Marilyn (Missy) Pickett
 Fred & Nancy Hinke
 John (Chris) West
 Ned & Lisa Wentworth
 Ayampillay (Jey) Jeyanathan
 Ron & Theresa Bohn
 Robert Joseph (BJ) & Jen Brixius
 Mike & Trisha Victor
 Scott Butler & Lisa Stehman
 Brad & Kathy Brown
 Lou & Amy Casciano
 Ed & Jessica Dick
 Jim & Pam Conway
 Dave & Mallory Horton
 Kerry Koritko & Ingrid Gudnadottir
 Laurel & Gus Muller
 Marc & Abby Seeley
 Harley & Adrienne Green
 John & Tina Isom
 Jim & Monica Lambert
 Mike & Jeanne Roush
 James & Faith Cha
 Henry & Kathleen Becker
 Mary Alice Crawford
 Cory & Deb Weaver
 Amy Reynolds
 Deb Matthews & Che Larson
 Sara & Chris Cook
 William McCormick & Sandy Banaszak
 David & Sarah Virts
 David & Janice Judd
 George & Hazel Coupar
 Allison Chin
 Jonathan & Ashley Sawyer
 Tim & Patricia Adams
 Ava & Neil Abramowitz
 Sarah & Tom Shaw, Stacy Orrison

How do you like the new road?

Phase 1 of Major Road Renovations Complete!

Hi Neighbors,
We would like to report that we are nearly complete with the first phase of major road renovations. We brought in 29 very large loads of fine millings, completely renovated the road from the Johnson’s property to Lime Kiln including packing and grading so that it has a nice crown and slope to help keep water off, as well as renovations to the road in sections throughout the rest of the length of Goose Creek Lane that we maintain. This is all part of the plan to get the road into much better shape to improve maintainability, property values, as well as comfort and safety while driving.

There are still several sections of the road that we were not able to renovate and we do want to bring them up to the same standards, however at this time we are at critical reserve level with only about $5,600 left in the road fund. To put that in perspective, between millings, grading, and packing this last several weeks of road work cost about $12.3k. So we are going into a holding pattern for the rest of 2019 and will plan on picking up where we left off in 2020 when we have funds available.

Quick Reminder: Please clear the brush along the road on your property!

There are several neighbors who have let the brush grow out into the road along their property and it is becoming a safety hazard. Please do take the time to trim the branches and brush back away from the road so that there is room for vehicles to pass and work vehicles to get through. We do not have the funds to pay for brush clearing services, so it is up to you to do the right thing and maintain your property!

We’d like to send a big thanks out to those that have volunteered their time and financial resources to go out and trim the brush back already, that is a huge help to the neighborhood!

Road Dues Update

As mentioned in the last email update, the road dues for 2020 will be $550 per household. This will allow us to continue improving the road, maintain what we have invested in, and cover cost of professional plowing. 

Please plan accordingly now so that you can pay the road dues on January 1st, 2020.

Thank you to all the neighbors who contributed to the road fund in 2019 so far, we have had some of the best neighbor participation in supporting the road fund this year than in recent history!

John Reynolds
David & Missy Pickett
Fred & Nancy Hinke
Chris West
Ned & Lisa Wentworth
Jey Jeyanathan
Ron & Theresa Bohn
BJ & Jen Brixius
Mike & Trisha Victor
Scott Butler & Lisa Stehman
Brad & Kathy Brown
Lou & Amy Casciano
Ed & Jessica Dick
Jim & Pam Conway
Dave & Mallory Horton
Kerry Koritko & Ingrid Gudnadottir
Laurel & Gus Muller (Paid by previous owners)
Marc & Abby Seeley
Harley & Adrienne Green
John & Tina Isom
Jim & Monica Lambert
Mike & Jeanne Roush
James & Faith Cha
Henry & Kathleen Becker
Mary Alice Crawford
Cory & Deb Weaver
Amy Reynolds
Deb Matthews & Che Larson
Sara & Chris Cook
William McCormick & Sandy Banaszak
David & Sarah Virts
David & Janice Judd
George & Hazel Coupar
Allison Chin
Jonathan & Ashley Sawyer
Tim & Patricia Adams
Ava & Neil Abramowitz

Millings Opportunity

Fresh Millings Opportunity

Dear Neighbors,
As most of you know, Lime Kiln road is being repaved in the next couple weeks. We have begun discussions with the project managers and contractors to coordinate receiving the millings from this project. We do not have a lot of details at this time, but we may have the opportunity to receive a very large amount of millings for the neighborhood at a very low cost.

We have a very urgent need for locations where we can store millings for future use along the road or on the spurs. This will allow great savings for future road work as materials will already be onsite. We would fully expect neighbors that allow millings to be stored on their property to be able to freely use the millings for their own driveways and spurs. We would like to thank Mr. Reynolds, the Adams, and the Burgers for graciously offering up parts of their property for us to store millings. However, we are still looking for more locations along the length of Goose Creek Lane so that we have a nice distribution of storage locations. If you have a spot we can store even just one load, please let us know and one of us will meet with you to ensure millings are stored exactly where you want them!

Along with storing millings from this project, our intention is to put down a fresh layer of millings throughout the entire length of Goose Creek Lane. The millings should be tailgated then spread and packed by our contractor, AW Smith. Our hope is that the millings will be free and if so, once Goose Creek Lane is fully loaded with fresh millings, we will be happy to direct the trucks to all the spurs. However, due to our limited funds, we won’t be able to cover costs associated with spreading and packing millings on spurs. The trucks will also only be able to work in areas where they have a safe place to turn around and may require a neighbor who lives on the spur to be available to direct them.

If you do NOT want free millings tailgated down your spur, please let us know immediately, otherwise we will assume everyone would like a fresh layer of millings on their spur.

Once we have received additional information from the VDOT contractors we will send out another quick announcement.

Dues Voting

As a reminder we sent out details about 2020 proposed road dues in the last newsletter. We have only received about 8 votes at this time. You are always welcome to email us your vote and comments.

Neighborhood Business Listing

Several neighbors have asked about compiling a list of business and services that our neighbors provide. To help facilitate this we would like to offer any neighbor that is current on road dues the opportunity to have their business/services listed on the website. To give you an example of what the listing may look like, we went ahead and put up the page so you can see what information to provide for the listing. You can view the current listing here:

If you would like your business/service listed, please send us an email with your business/service name, a sentence about what service is provided, website link, and phone number. 

Road Dues Ledger

We didn’t include the ledger in the last newsletter (it was amended to the website post later). But we have included the current ledger for your review here as well. Because we posted the list of contributing neighbors already this month, we will not re-post that in this newsletter. You can view it on the last newsletter post here.

1/1/2018Carryover Balance  $18,682.45
2/14/20181 Resident road dues for 2017 $300.00$18,982.45
2/16/2018Lou/Luck Stone Gravel for hill and road$3,447.04 $15,535.41
4/19/201810 Residents Dues 2018 $3,000.00$18,535.41
5/15/20186 residents dues 2018 $1,800.00$20,335.41
6/7/20182 residents dues 2018 $600.00$20,935.41
6/12/2018Annual PO Box fee$112.00 $20,823.41
6/20/20181 residents dues 2018 $300.00$21,123.41
7/5/20181 residents dues 2018 $300.00$21,423.41
7/9/20183 residents dues 2018 $1,200.00$22,623.41
7/26/20182 residents dues 2018 $600.00$23,223.41
7/12/2018A.W. Smith Grade Hill$1,465.00 $21,758.41
8/2/2018Board Insurance$781.00 $20,977.41
8/8/20181 residents dues 2018 $300.00$21,277.41
9/10/2018A.W. Smith Grade Hill (X2)$930.00 $20,347.41
 Insurance$300.00 $20,047.41
10/28/2018A.W. Smith Trim & Grade Hill$4,680.00 $15,367.41
 A.W. Smith grade hill$2,580.00 $12,787.41
1/30/201917 Residents Road dues $5,950.00$18,737.41
2/8/2019AW Smith Grade, potholes, ditches & sand$2,515.00 $16,222.41
2/12/20191 Residents Road dues $350.00$16,572.41
2/25/20196 Residents Road dues $2,700.00$19,272.41
3/7/2019AW Smith Grade, potholes, ditches & gravel$5,826.00 $13,446.41
3/13/20191 Residents Road dues $350.00$13,796.41
3/21/20191 Residents Road dues $350.00$14,146.41
4/5/20194 Residents Road Dues $2,000.00$16,146.41
4/7/20183 Residents Road Dues $1,050.00$17,196.41

Best regards,
Harley, Ashley, Mallory, and Cory
GCF Road Committee 2019

May 2019 Update

Hello Neighbors!
We wanted to share an update on the road work plans and summary of our last meeting with everyone.

Thank you to everyone who attended the last road committee meeting, it was great to get important feedback from the neighbors and discuss the future plans for the road.
Here is a quick summary of the meeting:

  • Reviewed financial status: Operated at a net loss of nearly $6k in 2018, as of the end of the meeting had already used 65% of collected 2019 dues. Very real possibility of spending all remaining funds in 2019 if we have another wet summer and no additional contributions. Good news is that more neighbors are contributing!
  • Reminder that if you plow, to be extra careful to avoid damaging drainage systems and ensure snow is not blocking culverts. Sever damage was caused to road in one of the last snows due to a neighbor blocking drainage ways for melting snow when they plowed. Also a reminder that plowing and other “good neighbor” volunteering on the road is not considered to be in lieu of contributing to the road dues.
  • Please contact the road committee before doing work on the road to ensure all our efforts are coordinated and efforts are not duplicated/wasted.
  • Please remember to trim back all brush along your property from the road.
  • Some neighbors asked to be reminded about what the road committee maintains. We do our best to maintain the road from Lime Kiln to Wild Goose Lane. See picture below:

  • We would like to be able to maintain all the spurs in the future, but are unable to even maintain the section we do now given current financial constraints.
  • We received estimates for what it would cost to pave or do “tar and chip” on the length of the road we currently maintain both were close to $200k and neither company would proceed without first regrading the entire road due to the poor drainage situation.
  • Discussed plans for future maintenance of the road as well as possible scenarios for road dues.
  • Reminded neighbors that we are trying to have a tighter budget and better plan going forward, so regardless of when you used to contribute to the road fund, we ask everyone to make their contributions at the first of the year going forward.

Road Work Plans
During the last meeting we discussed the need for improving the draining on the road to avoid the repeat potholes. The challenge we have found since then is availability of the road grader due to all the construction happening and scheduling time when road is workable (not wet). We will likely have to just work the road in sections to improve drainage through enhancing drainage trenches/culverts and adding rip-rap stones to slow water flow. We would really like to have the flexibility to keep the road in top-notch condition, but we are severely limited in what we can do between the costs of materials, labor, and amount of contributions.

We have spoken to Mr. Reynolds and he has graciously approved our request to stockpile millings for the road on the old bridge spur so that this summer when road construction is underway we will be able to get a reserve of millings at just the cost of delivery. This should allow us to spend less on millings/gravel than we did in 2018 and make repairs less expensive as material will already be available.

Road Dues
During the last meeting we discussed some options for road dues and how different rates would impact how we are able to maintain the road. As of the end of the last road meeting we had received contributions from 34 households, more than we have had in a long time, so great job everyone, thank you!

As a reminder, in 2018, due to all the rain and years of deterioration on the road, we had to spend over $14k. At the current dues rate of $350 / household at 34 households we would only receive $11,900, well short of what we had to spend in 2018.

To stop operating at a deficit we believe we need to, at a minimum, get contributions closer to what would cover what we spent in 2018. That would mean dues going from current rate of just $350 / year to roughly $450 / year. However, to keep the road in great shape, be able to make forward progress on improving the road so that we don’t have continual erosion and washouts, have professional snow plowing so the road is not damaged by volunteers, get the reserve funds back to a level that could respond to a significant road failure, and have a path to maintaining the spurs, we estimate dues would need to be closer to $500-$600 / year. We would like to point out that we like to keep costs low for ourselves, so if we do end up raising dues to a point that we are operating in the black again and the road is setup to be in better shape for long term maintainability, we will happily coordinate lowering dues back down. To help put these numbers in perspective, imagine sharing just one $25 bottle of Loudoun wine with the entire neighborhood per month, that would be the difference we need in cost to go from our current dues to where we need to be at $500-$600 / year.

Contributing Households
Thank you to all the neighbors who have generously contributed to the road fund in 2019!
In no particular order:

John Reynolds
David & Marilyn (Missy) Pickett
Fred & Nancy Hinke
John (Chris) West
Ned & Lisa Wentworth
Ayampillay (Jey) Jeyanathan
Ron & Theresa Bohn
Mike & Trisha Victor
Scott Butler & Lisa Stehman
Brad & Kathy Brown
Lou and Amy Casciano
Ed & Jessica Dick
Jim & Pam Conway
Dave & Mallory Horton
Kerry Koritko & Ingrid Gudnadottir
Julia & William Sanders
Harley & Adrienne Green
John & Tina Isom
Jim & Monica Lambert
Mike & Jeanne Roush
James & Faith Cha
Henry & Kathleen Becker
Mary Alice Crawford
Cory & Deb Weaver
Amy Reynolds
Deb Matthews & Che Larson
Sara & Chris Cook
William McCormick & Sandy Banaszak
David & Sarah Virts
David & Janice Judd
George & Hazel Coupar
Allison Chin
Jonathan & Ashley Sawyer
Tim & Patricia Adams

Side Notes
A few side notes for everyone:

  • We are going to start listing business/services offered by our neighbors, so if you’d like yours listed please email us as soon as possible!
  • There is a new internet service provider that may be able to provide unlimited high speed internet to some houses in our neighborhood. If you have decent cell service at your house then you should contact Bit Haulers for a free site survey. We have been able to consistently receive speeds over 70Mbps rain or shine, with this service. We were very excited to remove the old Exede satellite internet dish from our yard!

  • If you have any other questions, comments please feel free to email us anytime!

Current Finances

1/1/2018Carryover Balance$18,682.45
2/14/20181 Resident road dues for 2017$300.00$18,982.45
2/16/2018Lou/Luck Stone Gravel for hill and road$3,447.04$15,535.41
4/19/201810 Residents Dues 2018$3,000.00$18,535.41
5/15/20186 residents dues 2018$1,800.00$20,335.41
6/7/20182 residents dues 2018$600.00$20,935.41
6/12/2018Annual PO Box fee$112.00$20,823.41
6/20/20181 residents dues 2018$300.00$21,123.41
7/5/20181 residents dues 2018$300.00$21,423.41
7/9/20183 residents dues 2018$1,200.00$22,623.41
7/26/20182 residents dues 2018$600.00$23,223.41
7/12/2018A.W. Smith Grade Hill$1,465.00$21,758.41
8/2/2018Board Insurance$781.00$20,977.41
8/8/20181 residents dues 2018$300.00$21,277.41
9/10/2018A.W. Smith Grade Hill (X2)$930.00$20,347.41
10/28/2018A.W. Smith Trim & Grade Hill$4,680.00$15,367.41
A.W. Smith grade hill$2,580.00$12,787.41
1/30/201917 Residents Road dues$5,950.00$18,737.41
2/8/2019AW Smith Grade, potholes, ditches & sand$2,515.00$16,222.41
2/12/20191 Residents Road dues$350.00$16,572.41
2/25/20196 Residents Road dues$2,700.00$19,272.41
3/7/2019AW Smith Grade, potholes, ditches & gravel$5,826.00$13,446.41
3/13/20191 Residents Road dues$350.00$13,796.41
3/21/20191 Residents Road dues$350.00$14,146.41
4/5/20194 Residents Road Dues$2,000.00$16,146.41
4/7/20183 Residents Road Dues$1,050.00$17,196.41

Harley Green, President
Goose Creek Farms Road Committee

March 2019 Newsletter

Dear Neighbors,

The road committee would like to share an update on what has been happening with Goose Creek Lane and the financial status of the road fund.

As you know, the current condition of the road was very poor before last week’s fix-up. We have been trying our best to efficiently utilize the limited funds we have to make them last through the year, but we are already close to being out of 2019 dues. We are working with the contractor to setup a long term repair and maintenance plan to get the road in a condition that will not degrade so quickly and would like to discuss this plan with you during a neighborhood road meeting on Sunday, April 7th at 5pm (more details at end of newsletter).

You may have noticed the large potholes and mud that developed in the section of road past the mirror as you drive out prior to the last fix-up. This was caused in large part to poor plowing by a neighbor that plowed snow into the side of the road where we had built the culverts, rather than off to the North side. This caused the snow to melt and drain to the middle of the road and not be able to flow out. Similar road damage occurred in front of the Johnson’s barn where plowing pushed debris into the culvert along the North side of the road, causing rain and snow melt to flow out onto the road, worsening potholes through that section. We would like to ask those that do volunteer their equipment and time, to be conscious of the drainage impacts of your plowing. The last set of road repairs we had last week cost over $5,800!

As mentioned earlier, we are working with our contractor to put together a long term road repair and maintenance plan. This plan will address the continual degradation of the road and put in place major upgrades to prevent the rapid deterioration we have seen in recent years. Part of the proposal also includes a regular snow clearing contract so that the road will not be damaged by neighbors plowing and accidentally creating additional problems. We plan on discussing this plan at the next meeting, which should also be attended by our primary road contractor if he is available. We would like to point out that this plan should bring the road up to a much higher standard and allow us to maintain it at that standard so we do not have to go for weeks and months with the road in nearly impassible conditions.

However, this proposed plan is not cheap. The initial upgrades to bring it up to a higher standard are estimated to be between $10k and $13k, with annual maintenance of $10k. Obviously, we will not be able to execute this plan without additional funds. Quite honestly, as you will see at the end of this letter, we may not even be able to maintain the road for the rest of the year without additional funds. To that end, we would like to hold a neighborhood road meeting to allow for your input on how we maintain the road into the future. Please plan on attending this important meeting:

Road Meeting – Sunday April 7th, 5:00 PM
21100 Grey Fox Lane
Dial -in: Contact us for phone number

During the meeting we will discuss in detail the proposed maintenance and improvement plan and its costs, current financial state of the road fund, road fund improvement plans, and opportunities for helping with the road.

Neighborhood Business Listing

Several neighbors have asked about compiling a list of business and services that our neighbors provide. To help facilitate this we would like to offer any neighbor that is current on road dues the opportunity to have their business/services listed on the website. That way if you need a service you can hopefully find it provided by one of your neighbors. If you would like your business/service listed, please send us an email with your business/service name, a few sentences about what service is provided, website link, and logo image. Then next time we send out a newsletter we will provide a summary of the local businesses as well as a link to our website where they are all listed.

Road Dues

As you are aware the annual GCF road dues for 2019 are now due and were increased, as was discussed and voted on last year, to $350 annually – the first increase in many years. Please consider this your notice and send your $350 dues payments for 2019 as soon as possible to:

Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

*If you have not yet paid 2018, please send that payment ($300) in as well!

As of the writing of this letter, 26 households out of 45 in the neighborhood have contributed to the road fund in 2019. Thank you to the following 26 families:

  • Adams, Tim & Patricia
  • Bohn, Ron & Theresa
  • Brown, Brad & Kathy
  • Cha, James & Faith
  • Chin, Allison
  • Cook, Sara & Chris
  • Coupar, George & Hazel
  • Crawford, Mary Alice
  • Dick, Edward & Jessica
  • Green, Harley & Adrienne
  • Hinke, Fred & Nancy
  • Horton, Dave & Mallory
  • Jeyanathan, Jey
  • Isom, John & Christine (Tina)
  • Judd, David & Janice
  • Koritko, Kerry & Gudnadottir, Ingrid
  • Lambert, Jim & Monica
  • Larson, Chey & Matthews, Deb
  • McCormick, William & Sandra
  • Pickett, Dave & Missy
  • Roush, Mike & Jeanne
  • Sanders, William & Julie
  • Sawyer, Jonathan & Ashley
  • Victor, Michael Trisha
  • Virt, David & Sarah
  • Weaver, Cory & Debra

If you do not see your neighbor on the list, we encourage you to please chat with them about the importance of maintaining the road. Encourage them to help contribute so we can keep the road in good condition.

If it is difficult to budget a one-time dues payment, you can always send monthly installments. Any contribution helps and will allow our neighborhood to have a road that is passable.

Another comment that we have heard is that some individuals feel that if they use their personal equipment to plow snow on the road or do other occasional work that they then are absolved from the responsibility of contributing to the road fund. While it is nice when neighbors volunteer their equipment, the road dues are frankly a minimum contribution to a shared community resource. If one chooses to volunteer their equipment outside of coordination with the road committee then that is just being a good neighbor, but does not actually help with the financial requirements of maintaining the road. If you feel something on the road needs to be done that is not happening, please do not just use your own equipment to “fix it” and then feel like the neighborhood is indebted to you so that you do not contribute to the road fund. We have seen too many times that these “fixes” end up causing more damage and financial burden to the road fund. So we ask you to please coordinate with the committee and we can find an optimal way to get the work done, be it some combination of neighbor volunteerism or with paid contractors.

Road Fund

To recap 2018, we spent $13,995 and received $8,400 in contributions; resulting in a net loss of $5,595 and an ending balance of $12,787.

The good news for 2019, is that many of you that did not get your contributions into the fund in 2018, made up for it already this year. To date we have received $9,700 in contributions from the families listed above, well done! The bad news is that in the first three months of 2019 we have had to spend over $8,300 for plowing, sanding, and major road damage repair. That will leave us with just over $1k of contributions to cover ¾ of the year unless we go further into our reserves.

Between now and the scheduled neighborhood road meeting, please think about what might happen to our neighborhood if we do not, as a community, take steps to improve the quality of Goose Creek Lane. If we run out of money and can’t make repairs, services like UPS/FedEx/Amazon/USPS may stop delivering up the road. Friends and family from town may not want to come visit. Cost of maintaining our vehicles due to damage from the road will increase. Property values will decrease or not sell at all.

We are going to do everything we can with the funds available to keep the road in passable condition, but the reality is we may very well run out of money in 2019 if we continue to have the rainy weather like 2018. We look forward to discussing the road plans with you and hope to see each of you at the next meeting!

Best regards,
Harley, Ashley, Mallory, and Cory
GCF Road Committee 2019

Road Work Happening Today

Hi Neighbors,
We are having our contractor do major road repairs today. Please try to minimize trips taken to avoid interfering with the work.

We are hopeful that this year we can get more neighbor participation in contributing to the road dues so that we can make more long-term road stability improvements.

A big thank you to everyone who has already mailed your 2019 road dues! We have not yet had a chance to compile the list of current neighbors, but will share that in future newsletters.

As a reminder:
Please send your $350 dues payments for 2019 as soon as possible so we can continue maintaining the road!
Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

January 2019 Goose Creek Farms Road Committee Newsletter

Dear Neighbors,

Here is a summary on the status of the Road Committee as we closed out 2018 and updates for what we plan in 2019.


In 2018 it rained. It rained more. It still kept raining. As a result, we the road suffered. It had washouts, potholes, and mud spots. We did the best we could to keep up with road repairs and even made significant progress fixing underlying issues with washouts in the steep hill section. One of the major projects we worked on was fixing the water drainage and flow issues from the top of the hill down to Lime Kiln. This involved digging a deeper culvert along the side of the road, adding large rocks (riprap) in steep sections of the culverts to slow water flow and protect the road from washing out, fixing persistent potholes, and adding gravel.

Another major effort the road committee had to take on in 2018 was trimming brush back along the road. This is a significant problem for the road and we really appreciate the neighbors who were responsible and cleared back the brush on their own property. However, there were still several property owners who neglected the brush along their property and we had to spend a significant amount of time finding contractors who could do the work at a reasonable cost. Please, take the time this year and keep the brush on your property cut back so that your neighbors can safely drive through and our work crews who maintain the road can do their job.

In 2018 we found a new contractor who also maintains the roads at camp highroad and has been able to provide a lot of great services for us at much less cost than we have had to pay in the past.  For example, we had quotes to trim the brush along the section of road between the hill and the mirror from other contractors that were going to charge nearly as much as AW charged to clear the brush, plus do major road repairs. If you need someone to perform work on your driveway or spur we would recommend calling AW Smith (703-930-9750). Unlike other contractors, he works out in our area often so it is not burdensome for him to come out this way and he has a great understanding of what it takes to maintain and repair gravel roads.

2018 Finances

This is a dark spot for 2018 in our neighborhood. Due to increased labor and material costs along with all the required work on the road due to the rain, we spent nearly $6,000 more in 2018 than we brought in from dues. Obviously we can’t continue to maintain this trend. So as we discussed in newsletters last year and as a result of the dues poll we conducted, we must raise the dues in 2019 from $300 to $350 / year.


The plan in 2019 is to continue to maintain the road as best we can, but we will have to be a lot more restrained with how frequently we make repairs in order to make up for the budget deficit last year.  Even before the deficit last year, the finances of the Road Committee were not where we would like them to be in order to be prepared for handling major road washouts or other costly emergency repairs.

We would also like to thank the neighbors that have volunteered their time and equipment to help with maintaining the road and plowing snow. One request we have for those that do volunteer their time and equipment is to please reach out to us when you plan on working so that we can all coordinate our efforts. Last year, we had situations where members of the Road Committee had taken time off work to meet with contractors and get estimates for work to then have to call and cancel or modify work plans because a neighbor had come along and done some partial road repairs. So please, if you think something urgently needs to happen on the road and are considering taking care of it yourself, please just check-in so that all of our volunteer time and efforts are used efficiently.

Road Dues

As you are aware the annual GCF road dues for 2019 are now due and will be increased, as was discussed and voted on last year, to $350 annually – the first increase in many years. Please consider this your bill notice and send your $350 dues payments for 2019 as soon as possible to:
Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

*If you have not yet paid 2018, please send that payment ($300) in as well!

We are fortunate to have a community of individuals who work together to ensure the betterment of GCF without having an HOA involved, but that does require the diligence and contribution of all community members.  That being said, there were a large number of residences that failed to contribute their 2018 road dues, which resulted in nearly $6,000 of expenditures in excess of what was contributed in 2018. 

As you are aware, in 2018 we experienced significantly more rain than in prior years, thus there was more need for road repairs.  As a result, it is particularly important that all members of our community participate in the upkeep of our road and the annual contribution of road dues.  Regardless of where you live on GCL, all residents utilize the “hill” to enter and leave the community, which is historically the most costly part of the road to maintain.  Please take this into consideration when deciding whether to contribute road dues to the community. 

In the coming weeks we will be reaching out to each of the delinquent members of the community to determine why dues were not paid in 2018 and to begin the collection process for 2019.  In the meantime, please advise of any questions or concerns by contacting the road committee.

Best regards,

Harley, Ashley, Mallory, and Cory
GCF Road Committee 2019

October Road Work Scheduled

Hello Neighbors!

This summer has been one of the wettest on record and as a result we have suffered major damage to the road. A big thanks to our neighbors that volunteered their time and equipment to touch things up when it was still wet and our contractor was unavailable!

We would like to share updated road work plans with you. On October 17-19 (UPDATE: October 18-20) we will have our contractor perform major work along the length of the road to improve drainage, fix potholes, lay fresh gravel, and perform some brush trimming. They will have flaggers to help control traffic as they have had issues with vehicles speeding by in the past. Please try to minimize your trips during business hours on these days to allow the work to complete faster and save on costs.

2018 Road Dues Reminder
Speaking of costs, we are making major investments in the road, and we desperately need all of our neighbors that have not yet paid for 2018 to send in their road dues immediately! We can’t take living on a gravel road for granted, it takes a lot of work and care to be maintained, especially with the historic rains we have experienced.

If you have not already sent in your 2018 road dues, please take this opportunity to mail in your check so that we can continue with the important road maintenance projects!

2018 Road Dues Payment Information – $300
Please make checks payable to:

Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

If your bank has online bill-pay feature you can always enter in the above information there and have them send the check on your behalf to save on postage and hassle! Then each year all you have to do is update the dues amount and hit “send”!

If you have any comments or concerns please feel free to contact us.

Road Work Scheduled 7-10-2018

Hi Neighbors!

We are going to have some major road work going on from Lime Kiln Road up to the top of the hill on Tuesday, July 10th. If you are interested in piggy-backing on some of the work to fix up your driveway or spur, please contact us immediately so we can get you in touch with the contractor.

Please try to minimize your travel on the road during business hours on the 10th to minimize delays to the road work.

Because there will be fresh gravel and newly graded road we ask that you try to drive extra slow for a few days to ensure everything gets packed into place.

There are still a few households that have not yet sent in their 2018 road dues. Please be sure and mail your checks in as soon as possible so we have the funds to complete the needed improvements to the road !

2018 Road Dues Payment Information – $300
Please make checks payable to:

Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176