Summer update: GCL Road Grading Coming in August

Happy Friday, Goose Creek Farms neighborhood! The Road Committee hopes that you are all having a very pleasant summer! The committee recently convened online and discussed raking, grading, rolling and cleaning ditches where needed to refresh Goose Creek Lane into the early fall.

At this time, no firm date is set, but work is tentatively planned for the first week in August.

The Road Committee is grateful for everyone’s donations to maintain Goose Creek Lane. If you haven’t contributed a donation for 2022, please note that donations have remained unchanged for the last two years at $500. Donations by check may be mailed to: GCF Road Committee PO Box 604 Leesburg, VA, 20176 Or, make dues payment by Zelle® to

28 February 2021 – GCF Road Committee Update

Good morning Goose Creek Farm neighbors!  Your GCF Road Committee wanted to provide everyone a short update on temporary improvements we are making to the muddy sections of Goose Creek Lane.  On Friday, the committee contracted with Village Landscapes to dump two truckloads of stone to make the worst sections of GCL passable.  We understand that there is more work to be done, but this short term measure is only a stop-gap fix until more permanent road improvements can be implemented.  We would also like to thank one of our own residents, Mr. Lou Casciano for his contribution to add stone to the roadway near the Red Barn.  

The committee is working on a newsletter to comprehensively address the GCL Road Committee’s plans for 2021 which will be published shortly. The committee is also considering a video “Town Hall” event in the coming month to discuss planned expenditures in the year ahead.  This video town hall event will be open to all dues paying residents.   Suggestions and capital road improvement ideas are welcome as we identify and vet local road maintenance companies to support our requirements.  We will also work to address as many concerns as possible. 

Thank you for your patience as we work to keep Goose Creek Lane safe and accessible.

17 Feb 2021 – GCF Road Committee Update

The committee wanted to take a moment today to let our residents know that we are aware of the condition of Goose Creek Lane and are currently in discussions to address the numerous pot holes, muddy sections of roadway, and erosion that has occurred over the last several weeks.  We are working with our road contractors to develop an effective and affordable maintenance and repair strategy given recent and forecasted winter weather expected in the weeks ahead.  Unfortunately, with back to back harsh winter weather events, our contracted road providers have not had a sufficient number of “dry” days to allow them to perform routine road maintenance on Goose Creek Lane.

We have received concerns about specific parts of Goose Creek Lane and we thank our dues paying residents for their updates and notifications to the committee.  Over the short term, we will focus our contracted road maintenance support to make very temporary fixes for the larger pot holes and to touch up muddy sections of the Goose Creek Lane.  With dryer weather, the committee will then initiate actions to contract for more extensive road maintenance to include improved drainage and the laying of asphalt millings.  More details to follow on these plans in the  upcoming newsletter.

As a reminder to all of our residents, Annual Road Dues for 2021 have been reduced to $500 and may be divided into two payments (Jan-June, and July-Dec) for your convenience.  Also new for 2021, dues may now be sent simply and safely online via Zelle to:  For traditional payment by check – residents may pay their dues by US Mail to: GCF Road Committee, PO Box 604, Leesburg, VA, 20176

Thank you, 

The GCF Road Committee

Snow Plowing Update

Goose Creek Farms Community:

There is a call for significant snowfall and accumulation starting on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. The current forecast predicts snow to start falling late morning to early afternoon on Wednesday.

The Road Committee has contracted with Day Spring Farms to plow Goose Creek Lane from the entrance at Lime Kiln to the mailboxes at Goose Creek Lane and Wild Goose Lane. They have equipment to plow and spread sand and/or salt as needed. Day Spring Farms is located down Lime Kiln at Steptoe Hill so they will be ready when the snow starts to accumulate. Day Spring Farms also partners with A W Smith should larger equipment be needed.

The plan is to have Day Spring Farms start plowing when about 2 inches of snow accumulates on the road. This may change based on what actually happens when the snow starts to accumulate.

The Road Committee is placing orange markers along Goose Creek Lane to let the plowers know where the culverts are and road edge locations.

The Road Committee is not contracting to have any driveways or spurs plowed. If you would like to have Day Spring Farms plow your spur or driveway please contact directly: Tommy 540-351-2322 or Sean 540-359-1245.

Please do not put snow from your driveway into Goose Creek Lane as it will make the job harder for the plowers and could slow snow removal efforts.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the Road Committee Board.

Thank you,

Goose Creek Road Committee

October 2020 Newsletter

Annual Meeting Notes

Our Annual Meeting was held on September 19th where the following announcements were shared with attendees:

  • Departing the Committee this year will be Harley Green, Mallory Horton, and Ashley Sawyer. The Road Committee is grateful for their service.
  • Scott Butler will remain on the committee and will assume the role of committee Vice President/Treasurer. Gus Muller joins the road committee as Secretary and will focus on communications and neighborhood engagement. Chris Cook assumes the role of Road Committee President.
  • The current road fund balance going into the new year is $11,665.39, with 29 households paid in full and 21 households unpaid for this current year. The committee reminds residents that the GCF Road Committee is a volunteer organization – and all dues payments are used to maintain Goose Creek Lane and to developing a sufficient reserve fund for emergency road repairs.
  • Annual Road dues will be reduced to $500 per residence in 2021 to increase community participation and to keep Goose Creek Lane open and safe for everyone’s use.
  • Unpaid dues for 2020 and new dues for 2021 (due on January 31) can be made to: GCF Road Committee, PO Box 604, Leesburg, VA, 20176.
  • To contact the road committee and stay informed: and Contact Page.

Thank you to our residents that paid their 2020 dues:

John Reynolds
David & Missy Pickett
Fred & Nancy Hinke
Ned & Lisa Wentworth
BJ Brixius
Mike & Trisha Victor
Scott Butler & Lisa Stehman
Brad & Kathy Brown
Jim & Pam Conway
Dave & Mallory Horton
Kerry Koritko & Ingrid Gudnadottir
Laurel & Gus Muller
Marc & Abby Seeley
Harley & Adrienne Green
John & Tina Isom
Jim & Monica Lambert
Mike & Jeanne Roush
James & Faith Cha
Henry Becker
Mary Alice Crawford
Cory & Deb Weaver
Deb Matthews & Che Larson
Sara & Chris Cook
David & Janice Judd
George & Hazel Coupar
Allison Chin
Jonathan & Ashley Sawyer
Tim & Patricia Adams
Ava & Neil Abramowitz

September 2020 Update

2020 Neighborhood Road Meeting & Ice Cream Social – September 19th, 2020

Mark your calendars for the 2020 Neighborhood Road Meeting & Ice Cream Social! It is scheduled for Saturday, September 19th, 2020 at 5pm.

After the usual road committee business meeting, members of the committee will be personally hosting a neighborhood ice cream social with ice cream sandwiches, wine, and a fire pit. You are welcome to BYOB if and please bring your lawn chairs as it will be held outdoors to give everyone plenty of space

The location will be at the Muller’s home: 38826 Goose Creek Lane (Intersection of Goose Creek Lane and Grey Fox Lane).
The rain date will be the next day (Sunday, at 5pm).

We will be discussing upcoming year’s road maintenance plans, road dues, accepting new volunteers, and other neighborhood road concerns.

Your attendance is critical to provide input to the road committee so the road can be maintained to the level you desire!

Call For Volunteers

The year is ending and several members of the current road committee are stepping down. This creates an opportunity for neighbors who have never served or who’s time has come to serve again to volunteer to help with managing road maintenance! There will be at least 2 open positions that need to be filled. Your volunteering helps ensure the neighborhood has a usable road!

If you would like to help your neighborhood by serving on the committee please contact us for additional details!

Dues Update

The current road fund balance stands at $11,665.39. This is far below the agreed upon reserve goal of $20k voted on during the 2019 road meeting. It means that we can only handle emergency repairs until additional dues are received. It also meant we were not able to buy additional material (gravel/millings) for the road this summer, even though there are many spots that could desperately use the material.

We know some may be facing financial hardship during this time and would like to remind everyone that every little bit helps. If you can contribute any amount to the road fund, it would be greatly appreciated!

If you have not yet sent in your 2020 dues ($550), please send them ASAP to (or bring a check to the meeting on Sept 19th):
Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

Thank you to the 29 households that have contributed 2020 road dues! You make keeping the road maintained possible!

  • John Reynolds
  • David & Missy Pickett
  • Fred & Nancy Hinke
  • Ned & Lisa Wentworth
  • BJ Brixius
  • Mike & Trisha Victor
  • Scott Butler & Lisa Stehman
  • Brad & Kathy Brown
  • Jim & Pam Conway
  • Dave & Mallory Horton
  • Kerry Koritko & Ingrid Gudnadottir
  • Laurel & Gus Muller
  • Marc & Abby Seeley
  • Harley & Adrienne Green
  • John & Tina Isom
  • Jim & Monica Lambert
  • Mike & Jeanne Roush
  • James & Faith Cha
  • Henry Becker
  • Mary Alice Crawford
  • Cory & Deb Weaver
  • Deb Matthews & Che Larson
  • Sara & Chris Cook
  • David & Janice Judd
  • George & Hazel Coupar
  • Allison Chin
  • Jonathan & Ashley Sawyer
  • Tim & Patricia Adams
  • Ava & Neil Abramowitz

We would like to ask the following households to please contribute your 2020 dues as soon as possible to ensure we can continue upkeep of the road (If your name is on the list and you think you have paid, please contact us immediately!) If you happen to speak with any of these neighbors, please kindly remind them that it is important for everyone to contribute to the road maintenance as a shared community resource. If anyone on this list has questions or concerns about the dues, please reach out to the committee:

  • Marc & Stacey Johnson
  • Chris West
  • Jey Jeyanathan
  • Jim & Lisa Deprospero
  • Mark & Alison Trent
  • Ron & Theresa Bohn
  • Eric Stanley
  • Lou & Amy Casciano
  • Ed & Jessica Dick
  • Robert Short & Cheryl Waters
  • Amy Reynolds
  • Michael & Leigh Burger
  • William McCormick & Sandy Banaszak
  • Barry Hager
  • Joe & Cindy Emery
  • David & Sarah Virts
  • Jennifer Upton
  • Richard Hull
  • Zvi & Rina Glassman
  • Robert & Tracey Mock

Current Road Fund Accounting

Please contact us for current accounting summary.

Contact Information

Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

Annual Parking Reminder

Happy Memorial Day Neighbors!

This is everyone’s annual friendly reminder to place a note on your dashboard if you park at the end of GCL and Lime Kiln Road. Please place the note so it is clearly visible with your name, phone number, and address stating you are a Goose Creek Farms resident.

With the warmer weather we are seeing non-residents parking at the end of Goose Creek Lane, creating a mess of the area with trash, and blocking the road.
The land owner (Mr. Reynolds) has informed us that he will be having LCSO come and issue tickets to anyone parked there that is not displaying the requested information.

If someone is parked in a way that is blocking safe access to our neighborhood you can call LCSO and inform them of the situation.

Thank you to everyone who helps by kindly letting people you see going down there know that they may be ticketed, and to clean up their trash!

We will be looking into putting up additional signs warning that people may be ticketed and towed if they park there, similar to what was put up further down Lime Kiln. Mr Reynolds has also reached out to LCSO and we will be coordinating with one of their community outreach POCs to help find long term solutions.

URGENT Request: Do you have spare traffic cones? If anyone in the neighborhood has some traffic cones they are willing to set up down at the end of the road to block the common parking areas today, it would help deter people who don’t live here from parking.

May 2020 Road Update

Road Improvements and Maintenance

Hi Neighbors,
It has been a while since our last update and the road committee would like to give everyone an update on the road.

First, we hope this update finds you and your families well and safe during these unprecedented times. If you find yourself in need, please reach out and we will support you!

Since our last update we made some significant grading and drainage improvements to the road. Most notably, was the addition of several truckloads of large stone to support the road and slow the water erosion. This work has held up very well only requiring some touching up just this last weekend. A big thank you to BJ Brixius for having his crew perform the work and provide such excellent results for the neighborhood!

This last weekend we also tried out a new contractor to perform some touch up work and dig out a clogged culvert in front of the Johnson’s house. We are hoping to have a more diverse base of contractors to call upon so we can ensure rapid responses and quality results, at economical prices.

As we get into the summer months we plan on continuing to add material to the road when we can get it for a discount. We were not able to put new millings down along the entire length of the road last summer, so will focus on areas that were skipped then.

Budget Update

Thank you to all the neighbors that have contributed to the road fund this year, your contributions help ensure we can have a safe, well-maintained road.

Overall we are in rough shape financially. If there were to be a bad washout or other major problem we would not be able to address it with the limited funds on hand. We also can’t commit to any long term major improvements with the limited balance. The good news is there are still many neighbors who have not sent in their dues yet, so if we receive those payments then we will be in a much safer position.

We understand that some families may have been economically impacted by the government imposed restrictions we are currently under, so if you can only spare a portion of the dues at this time, that is still greatly appreciated and helps us keep the road great! If you have sent a check in recently and don’t see your name on the list, we will update it soon. It has just been delayed due to the lock down situation.

If you have any questions or comments about the operations of the road committee, please do not hesitate to reach out and we will be happy to address them!
We can be reached directly here.

2020 Summary as of 5/13/2020:

Expenses to date: $7,800.01
Income to date: $11,400 + $1,300 in pending deposits
Road Fund Balance: $10,157.39
Total Dues Paying Neighbors: 25
Total Neighbors that paid 2019 but not 2020 yet: 13

If you have not yet sent in your 2020 dues ($550), please send them ASAP to:Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

Below you can find an updated 2020 accounting and list of contributing neighbors.


12/16/192 Residents Road dues for 2020 $1,100.00$6,727.40
12/17/2019Board Insurance$370.00 $6,357.40
12/30/20193 Residents Road dues for 2020 $1,650.00$8,007.40
1/2/20207 Residents Road dues for 2020 $3,850.00$11,857.40
1/7/2020Stamps & Envelopes for 2020 dues$37.50 $11,819.90
1/13/2020AW Smith, Repair Potholes$1,040.00 $10,779.90
1/31/20204 Residents Road Dues for 2020 $1,850.00$12,629.90
2/27/2020BJ Brixius – Stone for HIll$752.51 $11,877.39
2/27/2020Village Lanscapes & Irrigation, Inc. – 4 days Road Repair/Grading$4,050.00 $7,827.39
2/27/2020The Cincinnati Insurance Companies – 2 qtr payment$345.00 $7,482.39
2/29/20203 Residents Road Dues for 2020 $1,600.00$9,082.39
3/10/20202 Residents Road Dues for 2020 $1,350.00$10,432.39
5/12/2020Bike Money Porter – Road Repair/Culvert Clean Out$1,575.00 $8,857.39
5/13/20203 Residents Road Dues for 2020 (Pending Deposit) $1,300.00$10,157.39

Dues Paying Neighbors:

John Reynolds
David & Marilyn (Missy) Pickett
Fred & Nancy Hinke
Robert Joseph (BJ) Brixius
Mike & Trisha Victor
Scott Butler & Lisa Stehman
Brad & Kathy Brown
Jim & Pam Conway
Kerry Koritko & Ingrid Gudnadottir
Laurel & Gus Muller
Marc & Abby Seeley
Harley & Adrienne Green
John & Tina Isom
Jim & Monica Lambert
James & Faith Cha
Henry Becker
Mary Alice Crawford
Cory & Deb Weaver
Deb Matthews & Che Larson
Sara & Chris Cook
George & Hazel Coupar
Allison Chin
Jonathan & Ashley Sawyer
Tim & Patricia Adams
Ava & Neil Abramowitz

January 2020 News Update

New Treasurer!

After 14+ years serving on the road committee, Cory Weaver, has stepped down. Please join me in thanking Cory for all his time serving on the road committee!

Scott Butler has graciously volunteered to replace Cory as our treasurer. Please be patient with us as we transition all the responsibilities from Cory over to Scott. We are taking this opportunity to make much needed updates to our banking system so bear with us as there may be a brief delay in processing dues payments. Scott can be reached via email at As always you can reach the entire road committee at once at

Please continue to send your dues ($550 for 2020) to:
Goose Creek Farms Road Committee
PO Box 604
Leesburg, VA 20176

We will provide an updated accounting statement after Scott has a chance to do a round of check collection and depositing so that we have accurate numbers.

Upcoming Road Work

January has been rough on the road. As soon as we had funds available for 2020 we had our contractor come out to do an emergency road repair. Since then we had a contractor come out and touch up the road as well as perform significant brush trimming to improve visibility along the road.

The recent rains exposed some weak areas in the road between the hill and the mirror so this week we are having a contractor come to reinforce the sides of the road between the hill and the mirror with large stone to slow water flow and protect the road. They will also be cleaning up the drain ditches further to keep water away from the road. This work should commence tomorrow (Jan 28th).

General Update

In addition to the transitioning the Treasurer position, this month we met with neighbors and potential contractors to try and find better ways to maintain the road that are more economical and effective. We would like to thank BJ Brixius and Ron Bohn for meeting with us to discuss maintenance ideas and get input from a potential new contractor. BJ operates a landscaping business and went over the prices we have been paying for various services provided over the last year and confirmed that we are indeed getting fair prices for the work. BJ also generously coordinated having his own crew come up and perform services on the road this past week and again this week. Dave Horton is also working on some ideas for a long term fix to the rough pot hole areas and is seeking volunteers, please contact us if you would like to help him and we will get you in touch with him.

One of the challenges with getting work performed here was demonstrated this month when we tried to meet with a new contractor to get estimates for maintaining the road. The contractor arrived very late from the agreed upon time and we have still not received the promised estimate. This experience exemplifies some of the reasons why costs have gone up for maintaining the road. If you know of a reliable professional that you think might be able to provide economical services to the neighborhood please let us know and we can work with you to evaluate their proposal.

Volunteering on the road: This is one topic where there seems to be confusion in the neighborhood. We would like to repeat and clarify that never has anyone on the road committee asked that people not volunteer to work on the road, other than to avoid improperly snow plowing (which has been a major problem). If you’d like to volunteer your time and/or equipment to work on the road we are more than happy to coordinate with you and facilitate acquiring material as needed. All we ask is that you coordinate your activities with us by emailing or calling someone on the committee! The problem with just going out without coordinating is that we may already have plans for doing work such as plowing or fixing potholes and when neighbors don’t coordinate with us then there is the potential for wasted dues money paying for services that are no longer needed. So please, just drop us a line if you are going to work on the road so we can all coordinate our efforts: Contact Page