Snow Removal

The volunteer road committee helps coordinate snow removal along the main shared portion of Goose Creek Lane (from Lime Kiln Road to Wild Goose Lane). The work of snow removal is ultimately up to residents in the neighborhood. There is no guaranteed time-frame for snow removal in the neighborhood as the work is performed by neighbors. In the past the road is typically cleared by around 10am the morning after a snowfall when the depth is manageable by resident’s tractors and snow removal equipment.

We are very thankful to all who volunteer their time and equipment to get out and plow the snow on GCL and the spurs. Please be considerate to these volunteer neighbors as they work to remove the snow by not driving over sections not yet plowed except in emergencies as this may cause the snow to be packed and more difficult to remove or to form ice patches.

If you need assistance with snow removal from your spur or driveway, make sure and send the road committee a message prior to upcoming snow so we can coordinate with residents that will be out plowing, you also can make a post on one of the neighborhood Facebook pages asking for help.

In extreme snow situations where personally owned tractors and snow removal devices are insufficient, the committee may contract with snow removal companies to help with clearing the snow. For example, in 2016, when there was approximately 3 feet of snow accumulation in a 24-48 hour period, the road committee contracted another resident of Lime Kiln Road that had a large industrial size tractor to come and clear the main road, several residents on spurs then contracted with the same person to clear their spurs.

The Hill (Goose Creek Lane & Fox Hollow Lane)

In the event that the hill becomes impassible for four-wheel drive / all-wheel drive (AWD) vehicles, we will attempt to coordinate with available contractors to provide a sand/salt treatment for the road. This treatment typically will go from Lime Kiln Road and as far along Goose Creek Lane as one truck load of sand/salt will go. Special focus will be provided to the steepest portions. These treatments are costly and we must use them sparingly due to our extremely limited funds.

If you do not have AWD/4WD vehicle you must plan accordingly in snow/ice situations because the hill area may become impassible for you. If you must have your car to get out and it is not able to get past the hill area then you are encouraged to plan ahead and leave your car off to the side at Goose Creek Lane and Lime Kiln Road. Do NOT leave vehicles on or near the hill as they will prevent it from being cleared and treated.