
Goose Creek Farms neighborhood is located in Loudoun County, VA, about 15 minutes south of Leesburg. There are currently 48 households in the neighborhood. The neighborhood is primarily served by Goose Creek Lane, a private road maintained by the volunteer road committee with dues from each household.

The purpose of the volunteer road committee is to facilitate the neighborhood maintenance of the primary shared section of Goose Creek Lane from Lime Kiln Road to the Wild Goose Lane spur. While the road committee plans and facilitates the maintenance, most of the work is actually done by neighbors in the neighborhood in order to help keep annual dues to a minimum.

Residents that live along spurs from Goose Creek Lane, such as Old Hickory Lane, Big Pines Lane, Grey Fox Lane, Gold Finch Lane, Wild Goose Lane, and Goose Creek Lane past Wild Goose Lane, are responsible for maintaining those sections with other residents on those spurs. If residents need assistance in performing road maintenance on their spurs they are welcome to contact the road committee to get information about local service providers and road work best practices.

The Volunteer Road Committee consists of 4 officers and 1 Member-at-Large position.  All positions are for a one-year term, and all dues paying residents are invited to serve in support of our cheerful and friendly community.

Currently the officers are:

  • Chris Cook – President
  • Mike Victor – Vice-President
  • Gus Muller – Secretary
  • Jim O’Gara – Treasurer
  • Deb Matthews – Member-at-Large