17 Feb 2021 – GCF Road Committee Update

The committee wanted to take a moment today to let our residents know that we are aware of the condition of Goose Creek Lane and are currently in discussions to address the numerous pot holes, muddy sections of roadway, and erosion that has occurred over the last several weeks.  We are working with our road contractors to develop an effective and affordable maintenance and repair strategy given recent and forecasted winter weather expected in the weeks ahead.  Unfortunately, with back to back harsh winter weather events, our contracted road providers have not had a sufficient number of “dry” days to allow them to perform routine road maintenance on Goose Creek Lane.

We have received concerns about specific parts of Goose Creek Lane and we thank our dues paying residents for their updates and notifications to the committee.  Over the short term, we will focus our contracted road maintenance support to make very temporary fixes for the larger pot holes and to touch up muddy sections of the Goose Creek Lane.  With dryer weather, the committee will then initiate actions to contract for more extensive road maintenance to include improved drainage and the laying of asphalt millings.  More details to follow on these plans in the  upcoming newsletter.

As a reminder to all of our residents, Annual Road Dues for 2021 have been reduced to $500 and may be divided into two payments (Jan-June, and July-Dec) for your convenience.  Also new for 2021, dues may now be sent simply and safely online via Zelle to:  board@goosecreekfarms.xyz.  For traditional payment by check – residents may pay their dues by US Mail to: GCF Road Committee, PO Box 604, Leesburg, VA, 20176

Thank you, 

The GCF Road Committee

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